Exercise Physiology

Are you dying or drying out?

Our unique corrective exercise approach to training and exercise involves the use of fascial release techniques to release muscle tension and improve the movement quality of our clients.   The benefit is that

Artificial Sweeteners Are Making You Fat

Many people believe that by substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners in their diet, they are better off.   Research now shows that artificial sweeteners alter the body’s normal regulation of energy,

Accredited Exercise Physiologist in Melbourne

With the increasing professionalism of the sport science industry and the growing recognition of the role of an Exercise Physiologist, I recently upgraded my professional accreditation to be now known as an Accredited

Australian Obesity Reaches Epidemic Levels

Recent statistics have revealed that the Australian population is getting fatter, with two out of three Australian adults now overweight or obese.  The Australian Bureau of Statistic recently released this 2010-2011

Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk (Infographic)

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia.  This is also true in the U.S.A, as this infographic illustrates.  But what is the most important message here?  Many of the factors that most influence

How Sugar Can Shrink Your Brain

The health implications of Type 2 diabetes and obesity are well published and include an increased risk of heart disease, limb amputation, and even blindness.  However, what isn’t as well documented is the

The Benefits of Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in our community, with the prevalence of diabetes increasing over 90% in the last 10 years in Boroondara alone.  This is staggering when you consider that 60%