
5:2 Diet Review

The 5:2 Diet has quickly become a popular dietary strategy for losing weight and improving wellbeing.   With a plethora of weight loss strategies reported in the media (and endorsed by Hollywood celebrities!),

Artificial Sweeteners Are Making You Fat

Many people believe that by substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners in their diet, they are better off.   Research now shows that artificial sweeteners alter the body’s normal regulation of energy,

Horse Meat Scandal Highlights Health Risks From Pre-Packaged Food

The recent European food scandal provides a timely reminder about the importance of knowing exactly what is in your food.

How Sugar Can Shrink Your Brain

The health implications of Type 2 diabetes and obesity are well published and include an increased risk of heart disease, limb amputation, and even blindness.  However, what isn’t as well documented is the

Ketosis: Eating Fat To Lose Fat?

Although low-fat diets are currently being touted as the best way to lose weight and prevent many chronic illnesses, fat consumption in Western society has actually declined during the past few decades.  Nevertheless,

Top 5 Foods That Promote Sleep

Today’s post has been written by guest blogger Treisha Marle, who has some quick tips for promoting sleep with appropriate nutrition. Eating can be one of the best parts of our everyday life! Who wouldn’t