Author: Brendan Rigby

How the Asymmetrical Tonic Reflex impacts your Movement

Written by; Jess Reyes Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (Professional Honours) (Current) 4th year student) There are many primitive reflexes that develop during your childhood which can be influencing your posture

How to prevent neck pain when using a computer

Written by: Emily Gill (Osteopath) Osteopathy on Canterbury and Complimentary Therapies Computers and technology are currently ruling the roost in our lives. Children are using them at school, more people are

The Importance of Ankle Mobility

During squatting do you struggle to get your hips below parallel?  Are your heels raising off the ground during a squat? These common dysfunctions in movement can both be a sign of a lack of ankle mobility.

Spinal Flexion during strength training: Is It dangerous?

Written by;  Nick Angus (Exercise Science Student-  Deakin University) Many exercise physiologists, personal trainers and strength and conditioning  coaches teach the importance of maintaining a neutral

Strength and endurance training benefits for older adults

Written by: Allen Howell (Accredited Exercise Physiologist) The Australia population is ageing, and unfortunately we are also performing less physical movement. Aging is a complex process that involves many variables