Diabetes Management

Change Your Life, Change Your Diabetes Risk: The Case For Lifestyle Modifications And Better Health Outcomes

Recent statistics have been released detailing the extent of the current diabetes epidemic in Victoria and have highlighted the need for prevention to limit the burden of the disease for individuals.  With

Victoria’s Diabetes Epidemic: The Staggering Statistics

Diabetes can lead to many long-term complications such as nerve damage in the feet and eyes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney damage.  Shocking new data has revealed that diabetes has more than doubled over

The Benefits Of Exercise For Diabetes

There is a significant amount of research available documenting the importance of structured physical activity in the prevention and management of diabetes.  Despite all of this information, just 39% of adults

Exercise Physiologists’ Services Covered Under Medicare

You probably know that the Australian Medicare system is wide ranging in covering the medical expenses of General Practitioner (GP) visits, public hospital stays, specialist medical appointments, annual eye tests,