Top 10 Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

As you age, it becomes increasingly important to maintain your physical health and wellbeing.

One of the most important ingredients to maintaining your physical and mental health is through regular strength training.
Contrary to some outdated beliefs, strength training is not just beneficial for athletes or bodybuilders. Strength training in fact, is highly beneficial for the longevity and health of older adults.

As an older adult you might be nervous or apprehensive to get started; but here are the top 10 benefits of strength training for older adults you should really know!
Top 10 Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults:

  1. Increased muscle mass: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass. Strength training helps to counteract this by building and maintaining muscle mass, which is essential for overall strength and mobility.
  2. Improved bone density: Strength training has been shown to increase bone density, which is crucial for preventing osteoporosis and reducing the risk of fractures.
  3. Better balance and coordination: Strength training can improve balance and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls and related injuries.
  4. Increased metabolism: Strength training can boost metabolism, which can help older adults maintain a healthy weight and improve overall energy levels.
  5. Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Regular strength training has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.
  6. Improved cognitive function: Strength training has been shown to improve cognitive function and may even reduce the risk of dementia.
  7. Reduced joint pain: Strength training can help to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints, which can reduce joint pain and improve overall joint health.
  8. Improved mood: Exercise in general has been shown to improve mood, and strength training is no exception. Regular strength training can help to reduce stress and improve overall mental health.
  9. Enhanced flexibility: Strength training can improve flexibility and range of motion, which can make everyday activities easier and reduce the risk of injury.
  10. Increased independence: Finally, strength training can help older adults maintain their independence and ability to perform everyday activities such as getting up from a chair or carrying groceries.

In conclusion, strength training is a highly beneficial form of exercise for older adults. From improving muscle mass and bone density to reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving mood, the benefits are numerous.

If you’re an older adult looking to improve your overall health and wellbeing, consider incorporating strength training into your exercise routine.
Under the care and guidance of an Inspire Exercise Physiologist; we will ensure that you undertake a program that is safe and effective for your injury background and in consideration of your individual medical profile.

Call us today on 98587 3007 at Inspire Exercise Physiology to get started on a tailored individual exercise program.