Energy To Burn Seminar Wrap Up

Inspire Fitness would like to thank all members and non members alike who attended the seminar on Wednesday 14th May!  The night was a huge success with more than 35 people attending.  Inspire’s Adam Sheedy (personal trainer and nutrition consultant) delivered an informative seminar, exploring how different types of exercise encourage your body to “burn energy” in different ways.

Attendees learned the differences between continuous and interval training, and the profound effects that high intensity interval training can have on weight loss and cardiovascular fitness.

dumbbellsAn analysis of resistance training then followed, with the aim of educating the audience on why it is a must for all individuals, covering the different ways resistance training helps the body access stored fat which is critical for effective weight loss!  The audience also learned the importance of correctly structuring their weekly workouts and varying their training techniques to get the most out of their workouts.

It was great to see people so keen to improve their understanding of exercise and weight loss, listening intently, and asking questions.  We look forward to having you in attendance at our next Inspire Fitness seminar in the coming months!