The Watson Headache Approach

Brendan Rigby (Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing) and Dean Watson (Creator of the Watson Headache Approach)
Brendan Rigby (Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing) and Dean Watson (Creator of the Watson Headache Approach)

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting the acclaimed health practitioner Dean Watson, who has developed and pioneered the internationally-recognised Watson Headache Approach.

His approach to treating migraines and headaches was developed to provide an accurate diagnostic method for determining whether the originating source of pain is from the cervical spine (neck), by attempting to reproduce the headache pain via manual pressure to specific levels within the cervical spine.

Once the origin of the headache or migraine is confirmed, the Watson Headache Approach provides a framework for treating sufferers by resolving the underling neck disorder, through applying gentle pressure to the appropriate vertebral level and moving it either towards the head or adjacent vertebrae.

The Watson Headache Approach has a synergy with our corrective exercise approach to exercise and training, where we recognize the critical contribution that your posture and correct spinal alignment plays in your overall health and fitness.  As demonstrated by the success of the Watson Approach to headaches and migraines, your posture and alignment has either a significantly positive impact that optimises your health, or alternatively, poor alignment can negatively impact your state of health and wellbeing through injury, muscular tension, and pain.

Our specialised corrective exercise approach to fitness has the primary purpose of avoiding postural and biomechanical causes of pain and injury.  Our training prescription methods address these issues before they become a problem, rather than waiting for you to suffer the long-term consequences, such as debilitating headaches and migraines, lower back pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and so on.

If you’re experiencing the ill-effects of postural and biomechanical misalignments within your body, seeking out an internationally recognised approach to a problem such as migraines will enable you to address the mechanical causes of your pain, helping you to live pain free and to re-claim your life.