Top 5 Exercises for COVID19 Lockdown

With Victoria being placed into a third COVID19 lockdown; the importance of ongoing (and structured) exercise during this pandemic has been widely advocated.

The challenge for many within our Inspire Fitness community who normally have access to our specialised strength training equipment; has been understanding what exercises they can perform at home.

Walking is vital for your general health and wellbeing; it is not enough to build your strength, maintain your muscle mass, improve your mobility, or enhance your balance.  These are the holistic health benefits of exercise which should be incorporated into your home exercise routine during this COVID19 lockdown.

Our Exercise Physiology team have provided several exercises below which can be undertaken at home.  These exercises aim to allow you to maintain your gains in strength and mobility, so you can return to your gym-based training with ease.

Home Exercise for COVID-19 LOCKDOWN

  1. Step Up with Single Leg Balance (Eleni Froyssnos Accredited Exercise Physiologist)

2. Bulgarian Split Squats (Nick Agius Accredited Exercise Physiologist)

3. Push Ups (on wall, bench or floor) (Nathaniel Christoforou Accredited Exercise Physiologist)

Please note: if you cant perform this variation on the floor, use a bench or wall to modify the push up to your level of strength

4. Forearm Plank (Blake Lombardi Accredited Exercise Physiologist)

5. Skaters (Holly Eckert Accredited Exercise Physiologist)

Further to these strength exercises recommended by the Inspire Fitness Exercise Physiologists – Devon Juniper (Accredited Exercise Physiologist) promotes the benefits of walking as a great way to be outside, challenge your cardiovascular system and maintain the appropriate level of physical activity as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Image Source: Good House Keeping

Exercise during COVID19 lock downs is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing. At Inspire Fitness we recommend undertaking a tailored exercise program designed for you unique needs.

Our Exercise Physiology team would be happy to consult with you via Telehealth to design an individualized exercise program for you to undertake at home during this latest COVID19 lockdown period.

Call us on 9857 3007 to book an appointment today!